Would you like to add enjoyment to your day? Relax and just feel better in general? Smile more or calm your mind? My prescription is to take a few minutes for a creative break!

A simple & easy way to take that break: Grab a piece of paper to draw or doodle on. You could also use index cards, a blank journal or a notebook. All good choices. Choose a few pens, pencils or markers and jump in! If you’re looking for ideas on what to draw, creative prompts can be your inspiration. Find quite a few on one of my favorite websites: Daisy Yellow Art.

You could make a collage. Here’s a simple way to start. Look for a variety of papers including images, magazine clippings or things that appeal to you. Maps, brochures, tickets, handwritten notes that have a special meaning can be a part of your collage. Take your gathered items and place them on a piece of paper or journal page. Move them around. When you are satisfied with the placement, glue everything down! When applied liberally, a glue stick will do. Tacky glue, Elmer’s glue or gel medium are excellent adhesives. Add words to your collage by clipping them out of magazines or print out your favorite quotes via a printer. Paint, markers, rubber stamps and small scraps of paper can be added to complete your collage.

Do you enjoy taking photos? Photography is a great way to easily add creativity to your day. Take your phone or camera out and look for something that captures your attention! Perhaps something beautiful, interesting or funny. Photo sharing websites that encourage you to post a photo a day are helpful in making this a daily habit. I use Blipfoto: the Daily Photo Journal. It is free to join and you can add one a photo a day to your journal, writing about it if you wish. Blipfoto also offers themed challenges for photo inspiration.

Other ideas… have you tried gelli plate printing? Artist Trading Cards? What about sewing? Quilting or embroidery? Whatever project you choose, remember to ask yourself… what if I did this? That question will help you to explore whatever you are doing creatively.

Practicing an art, no matter how well or badly, is a way to make your soul grow, for heaven’s sake. Sing in the shower. Dance to the radio. Tell stories. Write a poem to a friend, even a lousy poem. Do it as well as you possibly can. You will get an enormous reward. You will have created something.
— Kurt Vonnegut

The projects below can help you to begin. Find more ideas in the menu at the top.