collaborative nature print table

Steve made a table and said to me, “I have a new table and would love for it to be a collaborative piece. Would you mind doing some nature printing on it??”

Now, what do you think my response was??

Obviously, I said YES!! As you can see, a hibiscus which is really that color! The flower & leaves are from our back yard. They are now printed on the table. It all started like this . . . . Steven made a table from one piece of maple wood that was my father's. When we came down here, Steven and Dad worked together in the shop. Steven learned so many things from dad, and my dad had a welcome distraction from his cancer. It was a wonderful thing. Dad passed away October 1, 2011.

I would typically do more nature printing, but something told me it was done. I asked Steven for his opinion and he said - Yes! It's awesome just like that! I dried the paint a bit so he could take it via boat across the river. I had gathered lots of plant material from the yard and already had the paints out, so I decide to do more and printed on plain note cards. I have more photos to share so I quickly made this short Animoto slideshow video. If you are interested in looking, I have embed the video below, or you can follow this link to view it if you do not see it below.