The Documented Life Project - Weeks 1&2


After seeing what my friend Frieda Oxenham  accomplished last year doing this project, I was inspired and motivated to try it myself. I procrastinated a little bit the first week, but now I am done early with week 2, phew! For WEEK 2, the Art Challenge is: Gesso.

The Journal Prompt is a quote: "The beginning is always today" by Mary Shelly and January's Theme: The blank page and how to face it. I started by painting the page with gesso and sprinkling white sand and gold pigment powder on the wet paint! 

Then I used spray dyes & one of my new stencils from Stencil Girl ~ a company Frieda turned me on to when I went to visit her in Scotland last September! I journaled about the process and the prompts on the left. I like this because it gives me permission to art one side only of this large journal. 

Good words for me to remember! 

Last weeks offering is below . . . . the Art Challenge was book papers and the Journal prompt was "Be your own Goal Keeper" You can read a bit more about it here on my Blipfoto journal!

ARE YOU doing The Original Documented Life Project this year? Let me know!!