2nd Lesson: Wanderlust 2022

I completed this lesson 4 days ago, but before writing about it, I wanted to make an album for my Wanderlust lesson art. So, it took me until today, to share my experience in a blog post! —But it’s all good. :o)) This lesson continued our education on gesso & gel medium. It also concentrated on texture. You can still enroll in the year long course, up until the end of January I believe? Visit the Everything Art UK Website to find out more. To view the photos, click on any below to enlarge, use the side arrows to move through.

As you see above, we started with mark making on old book pages to add texture to our journal page. This was really fun because first, we went on a hunt for natural materials to use for mark making. Then, following Kasia’s instructions we worked in our journal. Making a landscape was not a familiar practice for me, but I pressed on —and it was worth it! When the spread was done, both me & my husband loved what I did!! The fact that my results were very different from my usual journal or mixed media art made me feel happy and proud. It was a stretch for me to follow Kasia’s instructions, but I did it!

I love the texture on this page spread that I was able to achieve following Kasia’s directions. This texture is so very interesting and tactile. (click on a photo for better detail!) So far, I have been challenged by the lessons and enjoyed my results. My goal is to try to do a lesson a week and not get overwhelmed. I was happy to start working on Lesson 2 just 3-4 days after it was posted, instead of the 6 days I waited before tackling Lesson 1. I felt more on top of things and less stressed. Lesson 3 just came out today . . . . I am aiming to start working on it by the end of the weekend! The next Lesson is led by Carolyn Dube and after taking other online classes with her, I am looking forward to it.

Stay safe, stay warm, stay creative! ❤lenna