complimentary colors - twinchie challenge

Helga Strauss gave us a new challenge: "Make a twinchie (2" square collage) with complimentary colors." She wanted them uploaded by Monday -today,  May 10th -eep! I believe I just made it in under the wire . . .  I chose brown + blue as my complimentary colors and started by drawing blue circles with my trusty watercolor crayons on a 2" square of watercolor paper. I thought it looked pretty cool, just like this:

But since this is an ARTchix Studio challenge, I wanted to add something art-chixy. I had recently downloaded the new Cool Silhouettes collage sheet and printed it onto a clear Transparency with my inkjet Printer. I love it because it doesn't obscure my complimentary colors.

Fabulous fun, Helga! I look forward to your next spin of the color wheel  : ^) lenna