Vintage Gluebook ATCs

As an extra treat added to the Vintage GlueBook class I took online recently, instructor Mary Green is hosting an Artist Trading Card swap for those in the class. The timing was great, as the live classes were just ending and I felt myself already pining for the challenge of Mary's class. For the swap, Mary directed us to use what we learned in class but to put our own spin on it, embellishing as we liked . . . . I had already given up resisting my desires to add other things (ink, fabric, a feather) to our glue and paper only pages . . .  but as katharine hepburn said, "If you obey all the rules, you miss all the fun." : ^ )

I sprtitzed watercolor cards with watered-down paint, then worked in the gluebook fashion Mary taught us.

When I was done I edged the cards with gold metallic ink.

I like the mixing of the paint with the GlueBook style. I tried to use snippets of paper Mary gave us in class.

I made 7 ATCs, one for Mary. It is the least I could do! Her class has been an inspiration to me, and  to many others.

I could not resist creating a special GlueBook style envelope for Mary, I love mail art and figured this may be a first for her!  I popped my ATCs in the envelope AND SENT THEM OFF!!

Deck and Tina are out shopping and when they come back we will head over to my parents for a swim and a cookout Steven and I are putting on - : ^ ))))) it is fun to have them and my sister & nephew here. Tomorrow we go and try to finish the paperwork for purchasing the house - Wow!! Thanks for your notes & good thoughts sent our way, lenna